The Eternal Jew podcasts, #7

Continuing from the story begun in podcast #6, the ancient sheikh completes his tale of local deities and their battles against Adonai.

You can find the textual version of this particular episode at the Times of Israel website:

Or go to:
where you can find all the published episodes (currently {18} of them). They are displayed in reverse order, so you’ll have to scroll down to the bottom to read them sequentially.

The ancient story-telling sheikh

The Eternal Jew podcasts, #6

The date is about 190CE. The place is east of Damascus. In this episode the Eternal Jew, searching for the Garden of Aden, meets an ancient sheikh.

You can find the textual version of this particular episode at the Times of Israel website:

Or go to:
where you can find all the published episodes (currently 17 of them). They are displayed in reverse order, so you’ll have to scroll down to the bottom to read them sequentially.

Camping outside of Palmyra, hearing strange tales.

The Eternal Jew podcasts, #5

In this episode, the Eternal Jew meets Saul of Tarsus in a local synagogue, and they discuss a letter Saul has written to a community in Rome.

You can find the textual version of these episodes at the Times of Israel website, . They are displayed in reverse order, so you’ll have to scroll down to the bottom to read them sequentially.

The diplomat’s little shop

The Eternal Jew podcasts, #4

In this episode the Eternal Jew sets out on the Damascus Road, with some wry comments about Rome and another famous fellow who walked this road. He may agree with Bar Yohai’s negative opinion of Roman bath houses, buuuut…

You can find the textual version of these episodes at the Times of Israel website, . They are displayed in reverse order, so you’ll have to scroll down to the bottom to read them sequentially.

Walkin’ that damn ass-kiss road

The Eternal Jew podcasts, #3

In this episode the Eternal Jew escapes from Jerusalem, which is under siege by Rome, and begins a slow trek north and east.

You can find the textual version of these episodes at the Times of Israel website, . They are displayed in reverse order, so you’ll have to scroll down to the bottom to read them sequentially.

Leaping from a parapet

The Eternal Jew podcasts, #2

Let the tales begin!

This, the first episode , finds the Eternal Jew in Jerusalem around 30 CE. He recalls those troubled times and his friendship with a local revolutionary.

You can find the textual version of these episodes at the Times of Israel website, . They are displayed in reverse order, so you’ll have to scroll down to the bottom to read them sequentially.

Azurite Sky of Jerusalem